Objectives and Services

The main activity of the Chamber shall aim at fulfilling the purposes of the Chamber. The purposes are of a social and business character and rest especially on:

a) procuring contacts between the subjects of the Chamber;
b) helping by its activities with the general development of reciprocal trading between Czech and RIK economic subjects;
c) helping by its activities with the general development of relations between the Czech Republic and the Autonomous         Region of Iraqi Kurdistan;
d) establishing and expanding cooperation between economic subjects of both countries;
e) providing an information service to entrepreneurs;
f)  ensuring professional assistance when concluding business contracts;
g) publishing specialized publications with current information regarding Czech-Kurdish business relations; and
h) publishing specialized printed periodicals and publications within the activities of the Chamber.


Besides the main activity performed pursuant to para. 4 of this article, the previous subsection, the Chamber may also perform secondary economic activity. The secondary economic activity shall support the main activity of the Chamber and may consist especially of the following:

a) publishing;
b) arrangement of business and services;
c) counseling and consultancy, elaboration of expert studies and opinions;
d) advertising, marketing and media representation;
e) translations and interpretation;
f) services in the fields of administration and organizational-economic services; and
g) running cultural, cultural-educative and entertaining facilities, organizing cultural productions, entertainments,                 exhibitions, trade fairs, shows, selling campaigns and similar activities.